Describe the representation of money and its influence in The Great Gatsby

  • In roaring twenties : society's new obsession was money

  • After the great depression : focus on wealth and success

  • Money was a huge motivator in the relationships of the characters and the different outcomes

  • Highly materialistic :

    • Daisy and Tom Buchanan

      • Daisy marries and stays with Tom only because of the lifestyle he can provide her
      • All their movements are supported by money
      • They moved to fashionable East Egg
      • Daisy left Gatsby because of his lack of money
      • Daisy starts an affair later with Gatsby after a very detailed display of his wealth (shirts from Europe for example)
    • Myrtle

      • Has an affair with Tom Buchanan due to the privileged world it grants her access to
      • She desperately wants to seek for a better life
      • She is class-oriented which shows the emptiness of her heart
      • Wants to pass as rich, to be part of the higher class
      • Her death is sadly poetic : she spent her entire life acquiring material possessions and is then killed by her own desires
    • Gatsby

      • His notoriety comes from enormous wealth
      • He was poor but through Dan Cody he became wealthy
      • He wanted to become rich just to charm Daisy who left Gatsby to marry Tom Buchanan
      • He lusts after Daisy as if she is a prize to be won
      • Hardly anyone shows up at his funeral : people were only attracted to his wealth and parties, not to the man himself
      • Crime partnership with Wolfshiem
  • The novel reveals how materialism is not actually a path to happiness

  • Money = materialism = misery, there cannot be a positive resolution when based on money